Keri Law provides strategic and practical legal advice in all employment and labour law matters.
Workplace issues have legal, business and human relations components. By applying a multi-faceted approach, Catherine Keri is able to realize fresh and sensible legal solutions. Ms Keri is an effective and astute advocate on behalf of her clients, whether resolving or litigating disputes.
“Because I act for both employers and employees in employment law matters, I have a unique perspective and approach.”
Areas of Expertise
- Employment contracts and policies
- Wrongful dismissal
- Human rights, including discrimination and harassment complaints, investigations and policies
- Structuring independent contracting relationships
- Confidentiality and non-competition issues
- Termination agreements
- Employment standards compliance and claims
- Employment and labour aspects of business planning, organization and acquisitions / sales
- Litigation in court, before private arbitrators and administrative boards / tribunals (e.g. labour boards and human rights tribunals)
- Workers’ compensation matters
- Conducting harassment investigations
- Mediation
- Collective bargaining
- Grievance arbitration
Catherine Keri
“… You can rely upon my expertise, experience and network in employment and labour law matters. Situated in Vancouver, British Columbia, I work with a variety of clients from around the province. Contact me to discuss your legal issues…”